
Autumn Semester 2020 Intermediate Visual Communication Design - Professor Paul Nini

Project Objective: Students will complete a series of steps that will encompass research, planning/objective-setting, conceptualizing, audience-testing, and form-making. Students will choose a concept and/or an organization for which to develop a mark. Concepts should lend themselves to visualization. Students will then apply their mark to common brand identity applications.

What is Local Harvest?

“Local Harvest connects people looking for good food with the farmers who produce it. Buying local is about enjoying real food, grown yourself or purchased from people you trust. It’s about developing strong local economies and producing food on a human scale. It’s about eating seasonally, practicing the art of cooking, and sitting down to enjoy meals together” (LocalHarvest).

Brand Identity Guide

A flip through guide through the building and implementation of the Local Harvest rebrand. The guide includes the mission of the brand, the development of the brand identity, and the digital and environment applications.

local harvest web page before rebrand

local harvest web page before rebrand



During the research stages of the this project, Local Harvest stuck out to me as having a strong foundation conceptually. I felt that I could combine my passion for buying locally farmed food with my passion for creativity in branding to cultivate a brand that is youthful, modern, and captivating.

Building the Brand

When constructing the mark, I focused on designing something that “fuels recognition, amplifies differentiation, and makes big ideas and meaning accessible” (Wheeler 4). I wanted to instill a sense of motion as Local Harvest is a distributor as well as a delivery service. I directed the brand to cater to the new generation of local food buyers and anyone interested.

Local Harvest Brand Identity Guide: Broken Down


The images displayed below are from the brand identity guide above; however, I wanted to share the clarity of my process and the thoughts behind each decision.


Senior Thesis


Environmental Branding