For my senior thesis project, I designed a three part system for the moving process: A brand identity, a user journey, and an app. The designed system is intended to create a seamless experience all while implementing sustainable practices.

My intent for this project was driven by the frustrating and wasteful moving experience I had last summer. I also felt compelled to inspire a movement for environmental change through a task we all partake in - moving.

Problem Space


Every design opportunity starts with a problem. In the research stages, I found that most of my participants pain points were that they never look forward to moving, their move is often wasteful, and they are never quite ready for how heavy their items are.

01 The Brand


My goal for the brand identity was to allow my research to inform my attributes. I found that brands like Airbnb do an amazing job at exciting their user’s to use their platform while Patagonia inspires environmental change. I intended to blend the two brands spirits together to create the identity behind Cradle.

01 The App Journey

03 The App

Research and Documentation


The brand, app journey, and app would have not taken shape without the research heavy focused approach to the design process. I spent the majority of the semester researching and testing to discover the best possible solutions for the moving process. My background research and documentation is presented below.

