“Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them” - Marc Jacobs

Personal Style Research


Autumn Semester 2020 - Design Research 2: Professor Elizabeth Sanders

Design research has significantly benefited my journey as a design student to apply critical research methods to the design process. The extensive research courses that I have endured throughout the past two years have shaped my approach as a designer, while also impacting my ability to work in groups of majors unlike my own.

For the majority of the semester I worked with four students Mae Welty, Lauren Goslee, Blaine Hafen, and Sammy Lody (industrial and interior design students) to tackle the research topic of personal style. We conducted a survey and three workshops to better understand the different factors that affect individual style such as: comfort, functionality, color, quality, etc.

My role was to document our research as well as to create visual communication design strategies to communicate ideas and organize our final presentation displayed below.



Conceptual Branding

